At BLOX, there may be differences between the market value you see in the overview and the actual price you receive during a transaction. This is due to how trading on an exchange works and how prices are determined.
Prices in the overview
In the price overview, you see the current market value of a coin. This value is based on the prices at which recent transactions on the exchange have taken place. It shows approximately how much a coin is worth at that moment.
Price during a transaction
When you make a transaction, the price is determined by the order book of the exchange. The order book contains all buy and sell orders from other traders. Here's how it works:
- When buying: You pay the price requested by the lowest seller.
- When selling: You receive the price offered by the highest buyer.
The price you ultimately get may be slightly higher or lower than the market value in the overview, depending on:
- The current availability in the order book.
- The size of your transaction (large orders may hit multiple prices in the order book).
- Any market movements in the meantime.