Creating and managing an account is completely free! In addition, we can proudly confirm that - besides being the safest - we are also the cheapest platform in the Netherlands! For buying and selling cryptocurrencies, coins and tokens we charge an astronomically low fee of 0.25%. We chose for this fee so we can make crypto even more accessible for users of other platforms as well as the new crypto investor. Besides being assured of the highest possible security standards, you can also be sure that you are trading at the lowest possible transaction fees - that's a nice touch.
How is the price calculated?
BLOX sourced its liquidity on international exchanges. Our software is connected to multiple international exchanges. So we can always look for the best price for you.
In traders' terms, this means that we look for the exchange with the highest liquidity. Also called the exchange with the deepest order book. The BLOX fee comes on top of the purchase price. This fee is clearly stated in the overview before you confirm your transaction.
Deposits are completely free as well if you use iDEAL, Bancontact, or Bank Transfer. Deposits with credit card are charged with a 1,5% fee.
For withdrawing a euro amount, you get one free withdrawal every month. So once per calendar month, you have the opportunity to withdraw funds to your account free of charge. From the first of the following month, another free withdrawal will be waiting for you!
You pay a withdrawal fee of €0.35 per transaction on every withdrawal thereafter.
Are you buying cryptos in BLOX? You may notice that the prices in 'Markets' don't correspond with the prices in your 'Vault'. Here we explain how that works.